Mokka - A Minimalistic Theme with Elegant

Mokka - A Minimalistic Theme with Elegant

Mokka is the perfect solution to start your online blog with its unique and elegant design.

The package include the following pages:

  1. mokka [homepage] v1.psd (Double sidebar on right)
  2. mokka [homepage] v2.psd (Double sidebar on left and right)
  3. mokka [homepage] v3.psd (Full width blog)
  4. mokka [homepage] v4.psd (One sidebar)
  5. mokka [homepage] v5.psd (Masonry Layout)
  6. mokka [single] v1.psd (Double sidebar on right)
  7. mokka [single] v2.psd (Double sidebar on left and right)
  8. mokka [single] v3.psd (Full width blog)
  9. mokka [single] v4.psd (One sidebar)

Fonts used are Prata and Lato The templates page are designed on 1284 grid system. Icons by Awesome Font

Please note that images on preview are not included.

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