Designed by RockNRollaDesigns and coded by NooTheme team, the popular one page Wordpress theme Jarvis is now available for Drupal CMS.
Jarvis is the perfect one page parallax Drupal theme for corporate, agency, nonprofit, freelancer or general business.
9 Home Variations, Background Video Support, Ultra-responsive, 2 Navigation styles, customizable backgrounds(colors,images or patterns), Font Awesome icons and many more super-awesome features to keep you busy & satisfied.
Reviews from our beloved customers

- Chaos tools
- Icon
- Field Collection
- Contact Form Blocks
- Entity API
- Entity Tokens
- Libraries
- Simplenews
- Image url Formatter
- Jquery Update
- Taxonomy Display
- Views
- Webform
- Media_soundcloud
- Media_vimeo
- Media_youtube
- jQuery by John Resig
- PrettyPhoto by NoMarginForErrors
- FitText.js by Dave Rupert
- FitVids by by Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert
- Parallax Scriptby Ian Lunn
- Slab Text by Frequency Decoder
- Reset.css by Meyer Web
- HTML5 Library by Modernizr
- Flexslider
- Supersized Slider
- Font Awesome
- Images by Tallkev, Kevin Roodhorst and Martin Grohs
- Other images are bought from Fotolia
Version 1.1.0 | Mar 6th, 2015Update Theme Options - Logo settings - Import web font - Design settings: skin, menu, sidebar, header (support 9 header styles), parallax - Typography setting - Display setting: map, contact form and forntpage display - Custom Code - Backup and restore
Version 1.0.0: First release
All support is handled in our Support Center. We encourage you to post all your questions concerning our template there as your questions may have already been answered or may be of help to other people that have also purchased the template.
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