Oblivion Magazine

This is Oblivion Magazine – responsive Tumblr template for any kind of journalists or publishers. Just write an article and assign it to it’s category or even feature it in the infinite carousel.Warning!This template converts the first paragraph of text in the caption of every post to the title of the post, so please be aware that this technique may cause problems in existing blogs. | | |
 | | You got more than 100 options of customization and a whole bunch of features and widgets to play with. |


Multiple authors |
Preloader + fancy loading animations |
Ask + Submit widgets |
News ticker |
Featured posts widget |
Social sharing |
Up to 5 custom links in the menu |
Up to 10 categories |
Custom pages |
Reading time info |
Tag Cloud |
3 text widgets |
Recent comments widget |
Flickr feed widget |
Rating widget |
Up to 8 social profiles |
Disqus comments |
SoundCloud player |
Search form |
Google Analytics |
And more… |
| 1 Fully customized and well organized PSD file |
| Template files |
| Detailed documentation |
The images shown are not included with the item!
Thanks to Unsplash for their amazing pictures!

v.2.2 (22-10-2015):- Replaced unsupported anymore TweeCool plugin with official Twitter Widget.
v.2.1 (09-06-2015):- Fixed main navigation bug in Chrome.
- Fixed size of the images in the featured posts.
- Fixed embedded Instagram media size.
- Fixed embedded iframes displayed in the post title.
- Added option to align “About” submenu to the left or right.
- Added option to upload full size images in all post types.
- Added option to change the text size of the post.
- Removed not working anymore YouTube widget.
v.2.0 (09-09-2014):- Added support for all post types.
- Added titles for all post types.
- Added SoundCloud player and SoundCloud social icon.
- Added rating widget.
- Added better, responsive photoset.
- Added search form.
- Added the ability to change the color or background image.
- Added number of cosmetic changes in the CSS.
- Fixed frozen preloader when animations are off.
- Removed not working anymore Facebook feed.
v.1.2 (22-07-2014):- Added Twitter Feed.
- Added Instagram Feed.
v.1.1 (16-07-2014):- Added Related Posts widget.
- Added 9 more preloaders.
- Added “scroll to top” button.
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