Slideby Mobile Template
It’s simple, no fancy backgrounds in the menu, no complicated classes or codes, just a simple way to navigate a page, that’s focused on your content and on the ability to showcase your product in the most elegant and unintrusive way possible. A menu that merges perfectly with the content to create a fluid and simple app like experience. Slideby is a Mobile Template and a Tablet Template offering all mobile compatibility.
Elite Author
Elite Quality Item with 7 + years experience!Elite Quality Support with 24/7 responses to tickets!Elite Quality Support with the best documentations on the market!Main Features
Mobile ReadyPhoneGap & Cordova CompatibleIcon Pack IncludedCrisp, Clear, and Beautiful Fonts by Google FontsSlider & Image GalleriesCSS3 / PHP / Ajax Contact form with ValidationIncluded Pages
We’ve included all possible pages you can need, starting from the most basic to some of the advanced ones you may encounter or require!
We’ve included multiple gallery and portfolio variations for all your needs, if you’re using this a simple site template for your page or you want to highlight a gallery of products or images, we’ve got them covered!
Want more features? Here’s a list!
If you think that’s all, you’re far from the truth! We included everything your heart can desire in our mobile templates to provide you with a perfect site template for your page without compromising on features and without cutting them away.
Typography Features
Text ColumnsImage ColumnsIcon ColumnsResponsive Images with Aspect RatioResponsive Videos with Aspect RatioResponsive Maps with Aspect RatioCSS3 Multiple Heading StylesCSS3 DropcapsCSS3 HighlightsCSS3 Table CSS3 QuotesCSS3 TogglesCSS3 AccordionCSS3 TabsCSS3 Large NotificationsCSS3 Small NotificationsCSS3 FieldsCSS3 CheckboxesCSS3 RadiosCSS3 3D ButtonsCSS3 Squared ButtonsCSS3 Rounded ButtonsCSS3 Social ButtonsjQuery Features
jQuery Page PreloadingjQuery Device DetectionjQuery + CSS3 NavigationjQuery TogglesjQuery AccordionjQuery TabsjQuery Quote SliderjQuery Staff SliderjQuery Image SlidersjQuery Share from Bottom Pop-UpjQuery Contact Form with Field ValidationDesign Features
Optimized for Touch DevicesCSS3 Based DesignSimple, beautiful, elegant Design8 Color Schemes for different elementsiOS / Android Home Icon & Splash ScreenHigh Definition / Retina GraphicsErgonomic NavigationDesigned for a intuitive User ExperiencePixel Perfect Icon pack includedOS Requirements
iOS 6+
Android 4.4+
Windows Mobile 8+
RIM 7.1+
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