NEXT is an award winning, easy-to-use portfolio template with Live Metro Panel, Unique Navigation (worth 4 USD), Animated Content, BG parallax, Standalone Pages and Retina Display optimization. This template features 3 layouts
Other Layout Options

Easy to use and edit
This theme is really easy to use and edit, you can add any colors to any elements or sections with rich set of short-codes and advanced meta box options.
Includes Demo XML file.
New MacOSX Mavericks Tested
This template is completely tested and working perfectly on all major browsers including the latest Safari (v7.0) on MacOSX MavericksKey Features:
- Very simple & easy to use creative portfolio theme
- Rich set of short-codes pinned to WordPress editor for quick access.
- Featuring Live Metro Panel. Create metro panel simply like adding a blog post
- Freedom Splash Page – Try anything on splash page Metro Panel, Rotating text or your own elements
- High resolution (retina display) optimized
- Animated Elements & Content Blocks, supports more than 55 animation effects via:
- Featuring a premium navigation module (Worth USD 4) - Expanding AJAX portfolio supports Image Slider, Youtube / Vimeo video, Lightbox Image, Lightbox Youtube Video etc.
- Supports standalone pages.
- Unlimited page sub-sections (Works like pages)on both standalone and one-page pages
- Expanding Overlay Content Panels inspired from Metro UI.
- Stellar BG parallax layers with optimized mobile view.
- Portfolio lightbox supports images, image gallery, video from youtube and vimeo.
- Flickr Integrated dynamic image grid featuring live Flickr Feed. Add multiple ‘photosets’ easily
- Twitter Integrated with latest API compatibility.
- Perfectly responsive, mobile optimized layout powered by latest Bootstrap 3.0 (Mobile FirstFramework)
- Manually tested on major mobile devices including iOS 7 – iPhone, iPad with Retina Display,Galaxy S3 on Android, Windows Phone.
- Perfectly working on latest Safari (v7.0) on MacOSX 10.9 Mavericks
- Fully detailed user guide with videos
- Dedicated Support from our great team – we are here to help you on bugs and issues within ourtemplates.
Update on Jul 17,2015-Security Update Only. New prettyPhoto.js added. No version change
Dedicated Support:
Dear buyers, for support on our themes please contact our developers via our Support System websiteImage Credits:
Live preview images are from Flickr profile of Fotuwe, CubaGallery as well as Vonderauvisuals.We are not distributing these images via download pack. We have placeholder images for each instance.Template Credits
Copyright(c) 2015 Designova, All rights reserved..
.A premium quality template from Designova