Check our latest “ALL Purpose” WordPress Theme

Current version: v3.0.2
Most wanted feature added with v3: Visual Shortcodes Builder
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MetCreative’s Cacoon Wordpress theme is HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive.Cacoon’s layout is also liquid, this means it can fit any other screen like low resolutions 800×600 or 1024×768. Cacoon responds to tablets and phones.
Page creation with Cacoon is so easy, you just drag and drop built in elements where ever you want and fill it’s details as you wish.
Wordpress’ Theme Customizer feature is the way to make style changes on the fly. You can upload and use retina logo for the retina screens like iPhone, iPad etc… Cacoon’s theme update is as easy as ABC, you put your ThemeForest Username and API key in order to update your theme.Also, you can make the menu follow screen as user scrolls down or just let it stay. You can make Cacoon Boxed, this lets you put image or pattern on background which makes your website looks different.
Social Sharing! is ready to use and built in with Cacoon, your visitors can share your pages with just a click and your post picture, title, detail and link can go to their wall and you can gain visitors from Social Networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+.
If you are looking for Business, Company website, Cacoon is tailor-made for you!Featured on TripwireMagazine – #1 Powerfull WordPress Business Theme
Featured on WPResponsiveThemes
ThemeForest Authors & Customers LOVE The Cacoon!
Yeah baby!!!!!What a great support!It’s Sunday evening here in Munich and those guys gimme an urgent helping hand.This is what I call a GREAT SUPPORT.A big, big Thank You … – michak
These guys are awesome. They quickly fixed an issue I had with this theme in less than 24hrs. Great Support!. I’ll defiantly buy more themes from these guys. Well worth the money for a quality theme and amazing support. Thanks – asherbarrett
Just letting you know I had a few issues with this template as you do with most, and the support is awesome… all of my issues were answered and fixed… perfect. – fxdigital
HAHAHA, just discovered that ALL blocks are draggable and can be resized to anything. I’ve been hacking the block php pages all this time.Unbelievable flexibility with this theme. Amazing. – simonben
Exceptional work, really good, congratulations. I need to capture a client to publish on this thema. Congratulations. – FREPBRASIL
Very nice theme, I love it. Good luck with your sales – Elite Author: maskeenan
Looks like a great theme guys! Thats a complete bummer about that single 1 star rating. It’s pretty obvious it’s probably from another author who is jealous. I would recommend making a support ticket for it and also prompting the people who have bought your theme to give a rating. Any real customer would give this baby a 5! – visualkicks
Unjustified 1 star ratings annoys me a lot… Nice theme and good luck with sales. – Elite Author: Vasterad
OMG! Apologies, but have to say this…I’ve used countless themes from here and usually have to take front page info boxes and duplicate the css several times so each box can be a different colour of my choosing. Usually it’s one colour unless you make major CSS changes.
This is the first theme I’ve used where each info box colour can be selected individually!
FRICKING AWESOME! Someone actually put some serious thought into this theme!! – simonben
Hi guys! I’ve discovered your Cacoon template just now, it’s amazing. – purplefilm77
Thank you for supporting us!
Featured websites using Cacoon
Page Builder Elements
Shortcodes Builder also available for Shortcode lovers 
70+ Shortcodes availableCustomize Your Theme With The Easiest Way
SEO Ready!
Fully Responsive
- Wordpress 3.8 Ready
- Drag & Drop Page builder
- Translation Ready (.po .mo included)
- Fully Responsive
- SEO Ready!
- Easy Installation
- Live Theme Customizer
- Contact Form 7 Support
- Well Documented
- 2 Portfolio Layouts
- Portfolio w/ video and gallery support
- Blog w/ video and gallery support
- Demo Content Included
Version History
v3.0.3 (25.02.2015)- FIXED - Portfolio thumbnail issues.- CHANGED: Twitter API cache method.Changed files;- functions.php- footer.php- inc/page-builder/blocks/twitter.php- inc/shortcodes/twitter.php- single-portfolio.php
v3.0.2 (14.07.2014) Show File Changes
- Fixed: Twitter API issues.
- Added: FontAwesome 4.0.3 Support
- ADDED: Shortcode support with visual builder
- Fixed: Text Balloon element arrow position
- Fixed: Responsive menu third level issue
- Fixed: Multiple Accordion/Tabs on a page were causing problems
- Fixed: Mobile Menu z-index- Fixed: Blog List Horizontal listing problem- Fixed: Gallery wrap image sizing problem
v2.0.3 (06.02.2014)
- Added: Responsive Enable/Disable option under Live Customizer -> Styling
v2.0.2 (08.12.2013)
- Updated: Image Resizer Class.- Fixed: InfoBox photo, resize problem.- Added: Columns and Widget support for Footer.- Fixed: Demo content missing parts.- Fixed: Multiple google maps contentbox issue.
v2.0.1 (08.08.2013)
- Fixed: Clearfix for "Text" element- Fixed: Logo height issue- Fixed: IE problems- Fixed: Triangle problem for "Text Balloon" element- Fixed: Empty responsive footer menu issue- Added: Title color option on Infobox (Icon) element- Added: Old versions of Cacoon- Added: Child Theme Support
v2.0.0 (23.07.2013)
- NEW Feature: Infobox (Knob) improved, Foreground, Background Color And Thickness options added.- NEW Feature: Google Maps widget improved, unlimited polyline and markers option added with customization- NEW Feature: You can disable search bar on main navigation- NEW Feature: Slider Concept Two Added with many features- NEW Feature: LayerSlider included- NEW Feature: Flickr Widget- NEW Feature: Page Builder Rich Text editor (CKEditor)- NEW Feature: Two portfolio layout with 5 different tumbnail effect and filtering- NEW Feature: CSS Widget added on pagebuilder- NEW Feature: HTML5 Video and HTML5 Audio post types- Fixed: Gallery lightbox title on bottom left- Fixed: Portfolio detail meta data problem- Fixed: Portfolio Listing element filter by category option- Fixed: Portfolio Block element filter by category option- Fixed: Retina logo problem- Fixed: Mobile responsive menu now bottom of logo 100% width- Fixed: InboxBox (Photo) 100% fill problem- Fixed: Header logo centering improved- Fixed: Dropdown menu items are now have dynamic width- Fixed: Page header sub header nowrap removed- Fixed: Safari/Chrome(webkit) Menu Problems- Fixed: Portfolio share vertical centering- Fixed: Google maps zoom tools problem- Fixed: Main navigation hove color change problem- Updated: gmaps.js (v0.4.4)
v1.2 (04.07.2013)
- Fixed: Responsive issues.- Fixed: Header menu improved and 3rd level added- Mobile Optimization- Fixed: Twitter Cache Issues
v1.1 (01.07.2013)
- Fixed: Triangle problem on page headers- Added: Theme customizer link on wp-admin left nav- Added: Favicon uploader- Fixed: WordPress admin toolbar on front-end- Added: Scroll-To-Top option- Added: Theme Color-Picker- Added: Browser ScrollBar Customization Options- Fixed: Twitter API issues- Added: .po .mo Translation Files------------------------------------------------ v1.0 (27.06.2013)
- jQuery
- carouFredsel
- modernizr
- bootstrap
- Aqua Page Builder by SyamilMJ
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