BLOGFEST is a WordPress responsive theme built in special for blog and online magazines, but it can fit a more wide business profiles. A flexible theme options panel (OptionTree) provide to you the power over all settings needed to customize the theme without to open a code editor, being suitable for a large website content but also and for small online brochure websites and portfolios or regular blog websites.
This template have a HTML version available at $15
OptonTree – Theme Options Panel
With 4 home page layouts, front-end login or register forms (social or standard), most used advertising spots and banners sizes, Google AdSense included, along with a “Customizer” feature, Blogfest still keep the things simple and let the WordPress to be the master.
Front-end login and registration forms
Social login and registration
Blogfest contain three custom post types, for FAQ, Portfolio / Projects and for Pricing boxes. Contain built-in front end login and registration features, social logins and registrations options along with a large advertising options, including here the Google AdSense.
- Fully Responsive
- Valid HTML code
- 4 Home page variations
- 3 Portfolio / Gallery template variations
- Social counters
- Pricing tables custom post type
- Portfolio / Projects custom post type
- FAQ custom post type
- 5 most used banners sizes
- Google AdSense ready
- Infinite color options (colorpicker)
- Theme options panel (OptionTree)
- Front end login and registration forms
- Social login and registration
- Translation Ready (.po .mo included)
- Forms validator
- PrettyPhoto lightbox
- Full browsers compatibility
- Layered PSDs for Customization
Images credit
- Tuomas Ikonen (portfolio section):
Theme updates
10 june 2014 [current]- Twitter counter fix for WP 3.9.1 Changes in inc/socialauth folder (replace the folder)25 april 2014- Flexslider js files updated (js folder).6 february 2014 - css fixes for theme options. changes in css/admin-ot.css- twitter follower counter script rebuilt. changes in: function.php: lines from 1250 to end. sidebar, sidebar-1, sidebar-2, sidebar-3, sidebar-4: lines 145 - 149.- social login updated.- documentation update. 2 february 2014 - css fixes for IE 11, mobile and other small bugs. changes in css/layout.css: lines 34-38, 237, 238, 386 changes in css/skeleton.css: line 750 changes in header.php: lines 45 - 51- layout footer placement change (the copyright note goes now to the footer) changes in footer.php changes to single.php: lines 434 - 439 changes in sidebar, sidebar-1, sidebar-2, sidebar-3, sidebar-4: line 735 deleted16 september 2013- fix for the twitter counter on WP 3.6. changes on all sidebars files and js/ot-scripts.php16 August 2013 - fix for the twitter followers counter. changes in file js/scripts_ot.php10 August 2013 - fixed a bug on "call to action box".11 July 2013 - added Google+ domain share counter;- added new social icons and options for: Google+, Pinterest and YouTube;- CSS fix for home page #2 at headings;- CSS fix for text editor on paragraph spacing;- Increased the latin support for default texts and added subsets for few Google fonts (latin, latin-ext, cyrillic-ext, cyrillic);- Documentation update;
Pinkmalion WordPress Theme