If you need support or have any questions, feel free to contact us support@vibranttheme.com
Special Demos
- Photography
- Restaurant
- Wedding
- Celebration
- Architecture
- Vibrant Portfolio
- Event
- Conference
- Personal
- Modern Shop
Extended Feature List
- 35+ Pre-designed demos includes special demos
- 190+ HTML files
- Swiper Slider 3.X
- Swiper Slider Fallback for IE9
- 8 Header Styles
- Light, Dark and Transparent, Hidden and Bottom Menu Bars
- 10 Page Title Styles
- 30+ Portfolio Pages
- 4 Single Project Pages
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Bootstrap 3
- Isotope Portfolio Filtering
- 100+ Shortcodes, each with many different styles.
- Parallax Image & Video Backgrounds
- One page capable
- Easy to customize: backgrounds, color schemes, content
- Fully responsive
- Sticky menus
- Font Awesome
- Animated-icons
- Linearicons
- Dripicons-master icon
- Content Animation
- 3 different Shop catalog styles
- Preview zoom image
- Lightbox
- HTML5 & YouTube Videos
- Pricing tables
- Google Webfonts
- SEO Optimized
- Neat & Clean Design
- Well Documented
- Touch Swipe
- Working Ajax contact form with validation
- Working Newsletter form with Mailchimp
- 12 Blog layouts
- 5 Posts variants (Text post, Image, Gallery, Video, Quote)
- Browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera)
- Layered PSD files included for promo image, iPhone mockup and logo
- 404 page
- Countdown page
- Under constriction page
- Coming soon page
- W3C HTML Valid code