Magento printing website themes is number one theme in printing market that increase profits of customers imediately from moving their old site to printshop or create a new one with this theme.
FULL Magento Printshop Project
This is the best Printshop templates on the market and we have been developing it for 4 years with almost full features that you want, however in order to run a successful business, especially for big printing corporation, you still need to have an experienced Magento team to develop, customize and do maintenance system (B2B & B2C) in long – term for your Online Printshop Business.
We have an Outsourcing Project Department to work with your projects and are supporting printing partners around the global. If you need to hire a team or set up a full printshop online business, please feel free to contact us at to discuss further.UNLIMITED DESIGNS
- No coding required – just use backend configurations, select colors of dozens of elements using color pickers, set hundreds of options and save to see the change
- Customizable design – you can change the visual appearance as you wish in back-end of almost any elements of the entire website (font, size, colors, width, background)
- Unlimited colors – change colors of almost any of elements of any website section, apply textures, upload custom background images…
- Google Fonts – integration with all available Google Fonts
- Custom font stack – ability to select standard web-safe fonts (e.g. Arial, Verdana) or define custom font stack (e.g.: Arial, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, sans-serif)
- Bootstrap framework – Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Many more configuration and add more for each new versions released monthly….
- Advanced structured layouts – there is many layouts for each of page, devices and sections, include the home pages, headers, footers, detail page, category pages, cart, check out, blogs, about us, portfolio, sliders, menu…
- Customizable responsive layout – custom maximum width of the page, supports wide screens and is optimized for all screen resolutions. If you resize web browser window, theme elements will be transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 320 to 1920 pixels) in order to adapt to the current screen size.
- Unlimited Layout Combination – a real Printshop web layout is the combination of 20 header options, 3 slider options, 3 main body layout, 5+ footer layouts, 5+ mega menu layouts and unlimited content blocks display in sections of main body. The configuration will begin with the first selection of general layouts, then come each sections layout, then adjust the width, and then colors and contents adjustment of each block. Moreover, you can begin with preset style and demo layouts.
- Wide or box layout –Printshop supports wide screens or box layout which in the admin panel you can select the maximum width of the page (1024, 1170, 1280 pixels) or even specify your custom non-standard width.
- Fluid grid system (12-column) – the theme always uses maximum available width of the screen to display content. It can be displayed on any screen. Fluid width can be disabled.
- Ultimate Header Layouts - Printshop has the most comprehensive headers options and scientific structurally layouts with up to 20 options which can be unlimited combinations
- Header Icons – with social media icon, website and user profiles icons and can be disabled and change styles of hover colors, hyperlinked and so on…
- Top Menu – is optimized for most common used menus like user account, registration, cart, languages and currency converters. Each of element is full of configurations
- Logo - admin can upload different logos for different stores and support multiple stores
- Header Transparent – you can set up header transparent which the wanted percentages of Opacity to display prominently the slider. If you chose this, you can also adjust the colors of any headers elements to match with your sliders and website colors.
- Sticker menu bar – Main menu can be adjusted to appear with the scrolling down of the content or fixed display.
- On/Off – Top menu and header icon can be turned off as you want base on the header layouts
- Home page slideshow - fully customizable, easy to use with unlimited creativeness of the latest and best Magento Revolutions Slider, drag and drop features, visual composers and sample sliders imports.
- Slideshow + banners – additional banners (can be disabled) at the right or left side of the slideshow.
- Left – Right Side Bar + Main columns layout – you can choose the layout of the home page: 1, 2 or 3 columns. Display custom content in multiple sidebar blocks. Enable/disable Magento’s default sidebar blocks on home page.
- List of categories – display block with the list of all categories in one of the sidebars, the categories is automatically links to its stores – support Multiple Stores
- Testimonials sliders – display block with the testimonials our your customer and its content can be adjusted easily in admin
- Parallax Support – You can use a full Parallax layout with just images, text, videos and some products blocks or just insert a custom block with Parallax background
- Videos Support - use video clips inside your home page layout as easily with our custom block or insert video directly into your sliders. The videos can be inserted from Vimeo or Upload on your website server.
- Tab Product - display products in tab with different transition effect
- Brand slider - present all brands on the home page (or on any other CMS page or sidebar block)
- “Promotion Products” slider - display selected products on any page.
- “New Products” slider – automatically display products marked as “new”. Configure the number of products, scrolling speed, automatic or manual scrolling
- Recent Works – display recent works to demonstrate best products
- Services Block – display services which company delivery
- Blogs Post – display blog post any sections of website and have variety of options
- Step for sales – display step by step of buying process for buyer
- Advertisement Banner – display columns of custom banners using fluid grid system and all images is responsive
- Flexible Menu Layouts – With new version of Mega Menu, you can view your menu with 3 options: Horizontal, Vertical or Both of them. That is an amazing function.
- Horizontal Magento navigation menu – Mega Menu Magento extension has an attractive horizontal menu to organize your categories, sub-categories and products easily. It shows all categories and you can choose any category you like.
- Vertical Magento navigation menu -This is a new function on this product, all name categories are hided in main Menu that make your site neat and clean.
- Both Horizontal and Vertical Menu – There are both kinds of menu display on menu that adapt customer favorites
- Clear Mega menu Structure – 4 statistic blogs on menu is not only showing images but also arrange information clear and neat
- Optimize options with menu – Admin can arrange anything on menu with just few clicks and choose what they want to display.
- Responsive – Customer can view it on all devices as desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phones without any problem on presentation.
- Menu Customizations – You can show your static blog or category/sub- categories on menu as you wish
- Product on menu – Your customers can view special as hot, new or featured product
- Custom block – You can select where a block is placed. It can be on top, left, right or bottom. You also can set block width on right or left side. Then option to hide or show blocks
- Category labels – Easy for you to create a label of each category.
- Configure mega menu from admin panel – You can set Menu types or show (not show) home link only apply for horizontal menu
- Icon on Category – You can add icon on category to make your category clear
- Benefit of sub category – You can narrow product search on sub categories, do not to use search tool
- Sidebar menu – display sidebar menu (collapsible accordion) on selected pages. Enable it individually for: category pages, home page, CMS pages, product pages. Choose between left or right sidebar. Sidebar menu can also be displayed via shortcode in any CMS block and on any page.
- Depth of the sidebar menu – control how many levels in the hierarchy of categories are to be included in the menu
- Starting category – sidebar menu will only contain children (subcategories) of the selected parent category
- Hide on mobile devices – sidebar menu can be hidden on mobile devices (if browser viewport is narrower than 768 pixels)
- Flexible columns layout – there are 2 different layouts ( 2 and 3 columns) to choose to display products details
- Fully configuration – each elements can be on/off, adjust colors, link, sizes….
- Side bar – left / right which can used 4 block of content included Related Products, Upsell Products, Store Logo and Custom Static Block
- Products block – can configured the numbers of products, its descriptions, reviews or products and the slider transition effects
- Product Images – can configure the width of media files and image zoomer – enable/disable product image gallery with previous/next buttons and image thumbnail slider – enable automatic scrolling, control the width and height and number of images thumbnail.
- Universal product type support
1) Simple product – a simple physical product that is sold at the store.
2) Configurable product – a single product with options such as size and color
3) Grouped product - a set of simple products, ex: a set of a cell phone, case and wireless charger
4) Bundle product – allows customers building product they want
5) Downloadable product - such as: software, music files, ebooks, e-magazines
6) Virtual products – product type represents the services one might offer at the store
7) Subscriptions – allows customers subscribing to products interested, customer will be charged automatically every set period. - Brand logo - Logo can be a link to product list the same manufacture.
- Product Detail Tab – select to display in tab or not, types of tabs,
- Customizable image size on product page. Specify any size you like, images don’t have to be square – you can keep the aspect ratio
- Cloud Zoom + Lightbox – product image zoom. Use one of those methods or both at a time. Cloud Zoom can be displayed inside or outside the main image.
- Tabs/accordion – tabs smoothly turns into accordion on narrow screens
- “Additional Information” tab for individual product attributes- create and display custom product attributes
- 2 tabs for custom content – ready to display any static content: info about shipping, returns, sales, promotions or any other general information
- Tabbed reviews - show product reviews on product page to improve SEO
- Related Products and Up-sell Products blocks with custom content. Replace completely or replace only if the product does not have any related/up-sell products. Or disable those blocks completely with just one click
- Fluid product grid – select the number of products displayed in a single row on category pages. Display from 2 to 8 products per row for each screen size.
- Category width – Show category page full screen or boxed (use container width of bootstrap)
- Category template – Show category page with 1 column, 2 column left, 2 columns right
- Grid: Column count (Large screen) – number of product in row on device large screen
- Grid: Column count (Medium screen) – number of product in row on device medium screen
- Grid: Column count (Small screen) – number of product in row on device small screen
- Grid: Column count (XSmall screen) – number of product in row on mobile screen
- Info align – alignment information display(Left, Center or Right)
- Show add to cart button - Show or hide add to cart in category view
- Show add to compare button – Show or hide add to compare in category view
- Show quick view button – Show or hide quick view button in category view
- Show products name – Show or hide product name in category view
- Show products price – Show or hide product price in category view
- List – Show products short description: Show or hide product short description in category view (mode list)
- Show products review – Show or hide product rating in category view
- Sidebar category menu – configure additional menu (see section above)
- Ajax filter – Filter products by attributes (price, color, size, brand…
- 5 Footer Layouts – you can select to display the footer in different ways to fit with your business profiles
- Back to Top button - use can come back to top any time which this button
- Payment Icons – this is a must for must shopping sites and we have it ready for you
- Copyright Disclaimer- ready to use and is standard feature for ecommerce sites
- Footer Menu – is custom block and can be changes color, links, contents easily in back end
- Social Media Icons - can link to your own social media profiles like Facebook, twitter, linked
- Logo & Store Intro Text - to display the store logo and introduction text to improve the brand awareness
- Contact us – full form with submit content and Google maps for address
- About us
- Portfolio
- 404 pages
- Cart
- Wishlist
- Terms & Conditions
- User Profiles
- Newsletter
- Order Confirmation
- Add to compare – custom layout
- Log-in / Log out Page – custom layout
- Banner – display banner in anywhere such as left/right side bar, blog and main body sections. All banner support responsive features.
- Blog – left/right column layout, latest post with thumbnail images, single post layout support comments and social shares
- Easy to use - Friendly user interface and clear. This extension is easy to understand and simple to use with clients
- Get colors and size of design – Great of functions, System allows you to determine the exact size and color of each regional design.
- Powerful tool with lots of functions – zoom, move item design, preview, flip, align and so on
- Add text - System allows you add many kinds of text, change color, font, style, align, move, resize, rotate, delete and so on
- Add clipart - You can add art, change colors, move, resize, rotate, delete art, flip, center function and so on
- Upload image - System allow upload file PNG, GIF, JPG, with min and max file from your computer
- Manage design of customer - All design of customer will be managed in admin and you can view each design to know more information that your customers want.
- Easy to add color - You can add color for any product that you want in admin panel.
- Save and re-edit design - T-Shirt e-Commerce allows client save design, share and re-edit design. It is a great function to increase sales
- Design any product – Add any type of product and build product design with colors, add text, art…
- Product templates - Creating the perfect design templates using text and images that customers can modify to create their own designs.
- Easy to translate - You can go to admin and easily translate your site for any language.
- Cliparts libraries - Provide design ideas to clients by upload your great art to libraries and setup price.
- Various fonts - Over 20+ fonts are included as standard and if you can’t find the one you are looking for we give you the ability to upload your own.
- View design customer after order - Customer can review own design through going to their account.
You have to buy this extension seperatedly, however it is well compatiple with Printshop and are developed by the same developer. Please buy it here:
- Ease of One Step – reduce from 3 steps to 1 step
- A Layout for Every Device – It comes with a feature to adjust to different electronic gadgets’ screen size. Whenever the screen will be resized, the layout will itself transform efficiently to the needs.
- Geo IP Technology – With this feature, the customer does not have to fill his/her country, state and zip code as Geo IP technology does that job for the customer with the auto fill Geo IP tech.
- Quick Login – A customer can directly log in from the checkout page without the hassles of going to a separate page for it if they have are registered customers.
- New Account’s Creation – Guests can create their account and save their data during the process of placing the order. However, they have the easiness of buying without registering with the site.
- Saving of Address – Once client has initially submitted the address they have the option of saving it for the latter use. Saved address can be retrieved from the dropdown list for the use of shipping and billing and the customer does not have to fill the information multiple times.
- Send to different shipping addresses – Delivery can be made to different address from billing or customers can choose shipping address the same as billing.
- Support many popular payment methods
- Delivery Time – Customers can easily select delivery date and time to receive goods
- Apply discounts – The extension gives customers a possibility to enter coupon code on the checkout page and get a discount.
- Gift options support – This extension supports native Magento gift options, so your clients can leave a gift message for the entire order or every product individually.
- Update shopping cart
- Polls Display
- Easily configure extension from admin panel
- Enable/disable Geo IP.
- Configure Gift Option, polls, newsletter.
- Configure delivery time function – Admin can enable/disable delivery time function from admin, also you can block weekend
- Manage fields – You can easily configure it in administration. Enable which fields you prefer and set the position for them.
- Enable Price Matrix extension in Admin panel – User can enable extension in configuration system, then change color for background, text, delimiter , and others.
- User can preview matrix in back-end – After finished configuration, user can preview matrix table before showing out in frontend
- User can easily choose direction for created attributes – On the tab price matrix, user can drag and drop attributes in vertical or horizontal direction, then user can select to show all attributes in vertical group or horizontal group
- Show Price matrix in product detail – After user are satisfied with price matrix table in preview matrix, user will show it in product detail on frontend. It is easy for buyer to view and choose price of each product in price matrix table
- Shopping Cart - After choosing suitable price of product, customer will add to cart , then product will go to shopping cart with exact detail information, then press Proceed to Checkout to finish
- Cross-Browser Support - This extension themes work great with all modern browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 9+
- Upload files directly on the product details page – Shoppers can bind images or upload files directly into each product on the product details page when they place an order for this product.
- Support multiple files type – Shoppers can upload almost any file types like jpg, jpeg, png, txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, psd, cdr….
- Upload multiple files at the same time – Upload multiple files at the same time using Ajax,do not need to refresh the pages
- Delete/cancel files during upload process – Throught upload process shoppers can DELETE any files uploaded with just one click. They can add comments into the standard Magento order comment. After upload complete images files will be automatically thumbnails created. Besides, shoppers do not have to login to upload files
- Display uploaded files on the checkout page – After uploading files/ images, shoppers can add this product into their cart. So a shopper can upload different files/ images into different products and add all into cart and check out the same times. Uploaded file will display on the shopping cart page, into the Magento order of client account.
- Display uploaded files in the confirmed order email – Display files in the Magento order confirmation email sent to clients/ admin
- Used as a custom Magento product field - Used as a custom Magento product field, so you can allow which products are uploaded or not
- Files are managed inside Order Management admin panel
- Configure file types – Administrators can configure which file types are allowed to upload in the module settings
- Set the width and height of the flash upload window
- Add products to the cart from a listing page – Customers can add products to a Magento ajax shopping cart and choose options right on the listing page, without going back the product page.
- Able to choose options of a product before clicking “add to cart” – For products which have custom fields, customers won’t have to access the product details page, shoppers can choose options (quantity, size, color…) before adding products to the cart on the listing page.
- Quickly update a mini cart – For those sites with mini carts, customers can easily update quantity, remove products from a cart.
- Animation effect for magento Ajax cart – To make the shopping on your store more interesting, you can use animation effects for Magento Ajax cart. Let’s imagine how excited customers feel when products fly to Mini cart or My cart link.
- Support multiple themes – 5 COLORS AVAILABLE , suitable with many different types of ecommerce business- Magento admin can choose colors from the admin panel.
- Easily customize theme colors – Easily customize dropdown cart width, borders colors, images thumbnails width and height
- Display empty/update/checkout buttons on mini cart – Just choose to enable/disable/update/checkout button on the mini cart from admin panel
- Instantly look for results - Magento Ajax Search uses Ajax technology to simplify the loading process and give customers instant search results.
- Search by category – Filter based on Magento category which is a drop down list.
- Call out suggested terms – When shoppers type any keywords in the search box, Magento Ajax Search extension will instantly look for matched results and call out suggested terms and products.
- Search by attributes: Search by products’ attributes: name, short description…
- Show matched categories – The extension automatically shows the pop-up with found categories
- Show matched CMS pages – Show matched CMS pages relevant to contents
- Highlight matched terms – Your customer can see highlighted texts/strings while they are searching products
- Configure products’ details – Admin can configure products’ details to show necessary information in the pop-up such as products images, products names, a short description, price and ratings
- Configure search by category – Admin can configure use search by category yes/no, numbers of category customer can choose, customize style
- Customize pop up skin – Admin can configure the search pop-up with box sizes, border colors, border width, backgrounds, etc…
- Customize highlight texts – Configure sizes and colors of the highlights
- Customize products thumbnails – Configure products thumbnails with height, width, border, etc…
- Enable/disable categories results – Admin can enable/disable ability to gather products according to categories
- Great benefits – Are you selling products with different colors or designs on your Magento Store? Magento Color Swatch Extension with Zoom will help your customers understand how products can be looked at variations. You just simply assign any image from a gallery with each attribute and activate image switcher on the product detail page.
- Used for many product attributes – Magento Color Swatch shows attributes of products using swatches on configurable products. It’s able to be used for any attribute type such as color, size, and thumbnail images.
- Work with different product types – Magento Color Swatch works well with simple products as well as configurable ones. Swatch options for products’ images and thumbnails can be customized in the back end. The interface and back end settings are user-friendly and a standard Magento UI
- Various Swatch Statuses – Magento Color Swatch extension with zoom allows administrators to apply multiple attributes into a single product which has different swatch images. It’s possible to set up swatch images for any status like normal, hover, enabled or disabled in Magento Admin Panel.
- Use images for selecting attributes – Let your customers see the final version of the product they are buying to reduce the returns resulting from customer frustration. Customers can select image attributes as much as they want to see different variants of the product, zoom images and eventually choose what they like.
- Apply several attributes with swatch images on a single product - You can use image thumbnail to icon or upload image for each attribute
- Select an option value by clicking directly on the image – The extension can automatically load images and price of the associated simple products chosen by customers. For example, a customer want to choose green color and size M – the extension will show the images and price of the simple product which stands behind these selections.
- View image details with elegant zoom – Zoom effect offers to closely examine all the product details. Your customers can select image attributes as much as they want to see different variants of the product, zoom images and eventually choose what they like. The zoomer is not only a simple add-on but also powerful module with 5 types of zoom effects and a full list of configuration features in Magento Admin Panel.
- View image details with lightbox effects – With lightbox options you make the process of image viewing more friendly for users. Alternatively you can use images together with text.
- Two different styles available – 2 different styles available so you can choose a style for your site
- Display swatch attribute selected in Back-end – These swatch attributes selected here will be the new tab on the back screen
- Product Wishlist – Allow to save favorite products, View/clear products in the wishlist, Edit, delete, add notes to products, Ajax registration popup, Ajax wishlist window with button, Out of stock integration, Add to cart functionality by wishlist view, Sidebar in the listing page and product page at the bottom
- Multi languages - This extension will help customers all over the world understand website easier with their own languages.
- Multi Currency - It allows your customers to determine currency conversions from one denomination to another as well as allowing customers to choose what they would like to pay with.
- Add to compare - This function helps you to compare price, size or material of some products that come to the end decision more quickly. It is one of outstanding feature of this theme.
- Magento Product labels extension allows admin to add graphical labels to products, attracting visitors to your Magento store. Magento product labels extension Cmsmart provides flexible ways to create professional looking call-to-action labels for your Magento store.
- Add labels – on product thumbnails, supporting unlimited types of labels. You can also create your own label rules.
- Display labels – on the category page and on product details page. How will labels be applied into a product which has more than one label? The extension allows you to set the priority for different labels. If a product has many labels, the label with the highest priority will be chosen to be available.
- A single tab to control product labels – Admin can set up separate labels on the category page and the product page. It is very helpful when labels are adjustable to fit their positions on different pages. For example, labels on the category page can be smaller and more specially-designed to make products outstanding among others.
- Utilize special variables to include in label texts – You can also utilize special variables to include in label texts such as Special Price, Discount Amount, etc. For example, if you select the “Discount Amount” variable, the discount number will be automatically calculated based on the special price configured for each item, like 10% off for item A, 20% for item B, and so on.
- Define conditions to trigger rules – For example, the “New” condition can be chosen if you want to apply the label for all products configured “New from date” and “New to date” in backend from the Product Information page.
- “Custom” Conditions – You can flexibly select a series of items you like to show labels. This condition is especially useful when you want to carry out a promotional campaign. For example, 10% discount for all boots when the winter is over and so on. Very time- saving, right?
- One-click import - import CMS blocks and pages with sample content from the demo
- 60+ Magento CMS blocks - content placeholders (in Magento called static blocks) ready to display custom content in almost every part of the store. Everything edited from the admin panel
- Social services bookmarks – social widgets can be easily added to any section (product page, footer, header etc.) using any of the CMS blocks
- Multi-store ready – applicable for multi-store Magento installations.
- Free of Charge – After purchase, all updates are free of charge.
- Update Guarantee – we will continue to update and improve this theme to keep it the best theme for Magento. The upgrade will be guide in the user guiders of newer version and the buyer has his own responsibility to upgrade the products or not
- Ticket Support – we have a team support private ticket here, please register and open ticket support. Please read over our support policy as we as Themeforest support policy
- Support Period – we will only support client who has a validated support period from Themeforest, if you are expired, please buy a new extension of support.
- Presales Questions – if you have any presales questions, please post on TF comment sections.
- Template Userguider – the template come with a detail userguiders in PDF format which is update often. We also publish guiding videos:
- Template Installation on live site – you can buy and use it with your current Magento website which already has product and data
- Quickstart Installation Packages - you can set up a completely new magento with Quickstart Package. We have detail documentation for you to install the templates on your magento sites and configure the magento extensions to work.
- Sample data – IS INCLUDED in the purchased package with the product images is placeholder.
- Extensions – All the magento extensions used on demo sites is included in the download files. If we did test on any commercial extensions, we will clearly notify in disclaimers
- Here is the list of included extensions in the theme packages:
Magento Ajax Search Autocomplete and Suggest
Magento Mega Menu Extensions
Magento One Step Check Out Extensions
Magento Color Swatch Extensions with Zoom
Magento Ajax Cart Pro
Magento Quick View Extensions
Magento Responsive Admin Theme
Magento Product Label
Magento Order Upload Extension - Installation Services – for any buyer who do not have time, skills, knowledge or for any other reasons can buy the Professional Magento Themes Installation Services from our team, so we can install demo data with images and products, pricing, configure all the modules to work with themes.
- Magento Project Outsourcing – In case you want to customize this templates, set up full sites, need a team to do maintenance, then please feel free to contact our team at
- Refund Policy – we are a seller on Themeforest and we comply with TF support and refund policy. If you want a refund, please contact Envato team to receive the determination.
- Media Images – some product images, background photos, videos, banners…which use for demo template, is the subject of copyright and are not included in the purchase packages and sample data. We can replace them with placeholder images, so please use your own items.
- Commercial Magento Extensions - if the templates is developed to use with some commercial extensions which is developed and sold separately by our team or other developers, then we will listed it here clearly and the buyer have to buy the separated license to use with the themes for your own project. We also will not provide support for that extensions of third party developer
- Below is a list of some commercial extension which can be used with the theme, you have to buy it and they are the same developers:
Magento product video extensions
Magento Shipping Cost Calculator Extension
Magento Price Matrix
Magento Social Login Extensions
Magento Daily Dead Extensions
SAML Single Sign On Magento Extension
Magento Call for Price Extensions
Magento Store Locator Extensions
Magento Delivery Date Extensions
Magento Frequently Bought Together Extensions Magento HTML5 Online Designer Extensions
Thank you for your purchase
Version 3.0.0 (06 May 2016)
Add new:+ Add new function setting for homepage with many sections, many layout, and the flexibility position of the sections+ Add more header layout and more theme settings+ Add new theme setting function for category page layout+ Add new design function with full color configuration for header, footer, detail page…+ Add 60+ Magento Shortcodes+ Add Magento Product Filter into Category Layouts+ Add Magento Product Color Swatch and Zoom many advanced features+ Add Manufacturer Brand into product detail pages+ Add new setting function for Product Detail page layout+ Add more layout for detail page and totally improve its with many settings+ Add Magento Product Label extensionsUpdate:
+ Update and improves userguider+ Update Magento Quickview Extensions+ Update Magento Mega Menu with many advanced featuresMore
+ Remove Price Matrix as not all client need it+ Improve the Speed performances+ Compatible Printshop with Magento Online Designer extensions
Version 2.0.0 (05 Feb 2016)
Add new:
- 4 home layout. Print shop gives shop owners 4 home layouts with many kind of arrangement that make your online store more stunning. We are also planning to add new layout features soon!- 3 Stunning Home Pages. Eye- catching homepages will keep your customers stay longer on your site to discover it, therefore 3 nice home pages in new version is our special gift for you.- 2 Category pages. There are 2 kinds of categories that attract your customers with interesting displaying.- Product pages. 2 types of product detail pages help enrich your site + Type 1. Product page with Price Matrix extension and Order Upload extension makes your site strongest in this printing field. + Type 2. Product page with Order Upload makes your customers upload their favorite images quickly and save a huge time.- Multicolor. You can change background color of Header and Footer easily with choose your own color. Enjoy the color of the life!- 5 Powerful Headers. New version comes with 5 different headers styles, that enrich your site to attract more customers.- 3 Strong different footers. Smart information arrangement in Footer will enhance your site and drive more customers go to other social channel.- 12 Unique Sliders with Revolution Slider extension. Slider is the first thing catch customers’ vision when they come to your website, therefore, if your sliders’ effect is not good, customers feeling is going down soon. Revolution Slider is a best solution to get visual oriented interface.- 12 Incredible Stores. With many themes as Canvas & Wall Art, Clothes, 3D, Carlendar, Card & Stationary, Iphone & Tablet, Gift, Photos, Mugs, Christmas, Pillots & Blanket, Multiple Store, you can use this theme with various purpose. + Canvas & Wall Art Printing Themes + Clothes Printing Themes + 3D Printing Themes + Calendar Printing Themes + Card & Stationary Printing Themes + Iphone & Tablets Printing Theme + Gift Printing Theme + Photos Printing Thems + Mugs Printing Theme + Christmas Printing Theme + Pillots & Blanket Printing Themes + Multiple Store Printing Thems
- Update theme setting in admin panel for header- Update theme design in admin panel for header- Update theme setting in admin panel for homepage
Version 1.5.0 (08 Jan 2016)
- Fix bug error don't add new product in backend
- Redesign layout for detail page- Add new layout custom option for detail page- Add new layout no custom option for detail page- Update layout with price matrix in detail page- Update style for tab product information in detail page- Update demo data with placeholder into download package- Update link to detail page for all list products