Available Features:
With WooCommerce available for Shop
Doctors page
- Profile page for Doctors or members with bunch of features as information of the members
- General information of the members in metabox form:
- Position
- Department
- Education
- Experience
- Office
- Work days
- Email
- Service
- Training
- Social media icons
- Work experience metabox form with calendar to fill out the time duration
- Formal educations metabox form with calendar to fill out the time duration
- Practice schedules metabox form with clock to set up the practice schedule

More Features:
Department page
- Department information with information of Head department
- Information for the members of the Department
- Header display
- Slogan
- Banner display image
- Author of the Department
- Position in the Department
- Display teasers with flip style
- Unlimited colors for the thumbnail color
- Additional extra plugin for icons save $15
- Promotional media with ability to show video
- Service box to show service of the department
Service Page
- Services information with option from which department
- Price for the service with worldwide currency options available
- Service schedule include location
- Clock to set up time for the service
- List of Days to be chose by just click on it for the service
- Members or doctors available to be chose from members
- Stunning looks image display for the service page
- Icons available for the thumbnail
Timetable Page
- Set up timetable easily
- Timetable look organize and easy to understand
- Ability to set by weekly 7 days a week
- Options to choose date practice and schedule
- Options to choose Department
- Options to choose Members
- Options to choose Service
- Options to choose location or place of the practice
- Easy fill out forms base on shift
- Clock to set the time of practice with just click on it
- Icons available for the thumbnail

Update History
Version 4.x-1.3.1
This is major update for fixing visual composer with WP 4.5- Updated Visual Composer to latest version with compatibility with WP 4.5
- Fixed Social Widget missing rows bug
- Fixed slick slider broken due to javascript missing slick object bug
- Moving to core latest init factory
- Fix customizer breaking bug
- Updated VC Row template to match the latest bundled VC
- Improve speed loading by dynamically loading actions and filter classes
- Fixed font factory wont load google font properly bug
- Improve schema factory loading speed
- Improve translation files to load every possible wordpress translation function
- Improve asset loader performance by supplying asset cache array
- Updated woocommerce to the latest version
Version 4.x-1.2.0
This is an improvement update mostly for mobiles sites and speed improvement.- Updated core to 4.x-1.7.39 for various bugs and speed improvement
- Updated to VisualComposer 4.9.2
- Updated all dependencies plugin
- Fix resize events causes slow loading on mobile
- Added features allowing carousel to be disabled while on mobile for faster performance
- Added deferred method for isotope
- Improved demo import content for faster demo import
Version 4.x-1.1.0
This is a major update, mostly to VC 4.9 and WP 4.4, Please test in development server first before applying it to production site.- Updated core to 4.x-1.7.33 for fixing memory set to 128MB by mistake and compatibility with WP 4.4
- Initial attempt to be compatible with VisualComposer 4.9
- Updated all dependencies plugin that uses Widget since WP 4.4 can break widget form field name
Version 4.x-1.0.6
- Fix bug customizer not saving features
- Improve slick carousel while in vertical mode + centering
- Updated Victheme_Core plugin for several bug issue and improvement
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