ClubCube template is a perfect choice for your Night Club. Modern, stunning, eye-catching design attracts attention immediately.
We use not trivial, bright colors and elements which are perfect for entertainment industry. We made everything to help you to promote easily using our template.
ClubCube is a grid-based (Twitter Bootstrap Grid System) Responsive HTML5 template for night club. Features of ClubCube include valid HTML5&CSS3 code, Custom Animations. We created the most necessary pages, to make it possible to:- announce events,
- publish photo reports,
- make reservation
- and look through the menu.
Don’t worry if you are beginner and do not have much experience. It is elementary to add and change content, photos and pages. Our template can be customized easily to suit your wishes and we’ll be glad to help you.
Definately your night club become the best place to go for each night club – lover!Remember! The way to night club starts from it’s site!
Please don’t forget to rate template!
Files Included
- MODX Theme Files
- Demo Content
- Documentation Files
themeClubCube 1.0.5 pl==============- Fix molt on clearCache pluginthemeClubCube 1.0.4 pl==============- Added fixes in the HTML standalone templatethemeClubCube 1.0.3 pl==============- Fixed description main header line-up font-fize and line-height from 36 to 30 px.- Fixed tv images on eventthemeClubCube 1.0.2 pl==============- Fixed css in the styles for main and event pages.- Update version subpackeges Molt to molt-1.0.2-beta- add img tv to more templates- line up on main slider max 3 itemsthemeClubCube 1.0.1 pl==============- Fixed mobile menu overflow to the height of the viewport- Removed dots in the gallery slider (second type of main page)- Fixed gallery view page in tablet and mobile (removed .row for the each 4 gallery items)themeClubCube 1.0.0 pl==============- Initial release with the implementation of the template.