If you like Sublime, please don’t forget to rate it, it helps us build more updates and add more features

- Includes both frontend and admin dashboard files out of the box
- Fully responsive
- Valid HTML5 and CSS3
- Built with the latest Twitter Bootstrap
- Built with less making it easy to modify
- Loads of plugins and UI elements to choose from
- Unlimited colors with colors skins
- Make your own fonts with font skins
- Fullscreen parallax backgrounds, Image slideshow and video backgrounds
- 400+ icons ( FontAwesome + Themify Icons set included)
- CSS3 animations
- Filterable galleries
- Working contact and subscribe form
- Well documentated
- Guaranteed Product support for buyers
- Free future updates for anyone that purchases a license
Online Customizer
Make the template your own. Style in any way you want
Generate custom CSS and LESS files
- Bootstrap 3
- Animate.css
- Flag Icons
- Death to the stock photo
- Datepicker
- Bootstrap Select
- Datatables
- Dropzonejs
- Easy Pie Chart
- Flot Charts
- Chartjs
- FuelUX
- Fullcalendar
- Imagesloaded
- Jvectormap
- Medium Editor
- Morris
- Bootstrap Slider
- Toastr
- Table Sortable
- Bootstrap WYSIWYG
- Gmaps
- Masked input
- Nestable
- SlimScroll
- HTML5 Sortable
- Jquery Sparkline
- Momentjs
- Parsley
- Switchery
- Responsive tables
- Skycons
- FontAwesome
- Themify Icons
- Bootstrap 3
- Bootstrap Markdown
- Bootstrap Rating Input
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- Bootstrap timepicker
- Chosen Select
- Bootstrap Color Picker
- Bootstrap Date Range Picker
- iCheck
- ion slider
- Jcrop
- Jstree
- Stepy
- Superbox
- Jquery Appear
- Bxslider
- CountTo
- Fitvids
- Isotope
- Jquery YTPlayer
- jQuery One Page Nav Plugin
- Owl Carousel
- Simple Text Rotator
- Refactored LESS code and folder structure to make compatible with online customizer- Added grunt and bower versions for admin and frontend- Refactored folder struture to make compatible with bower and grunt build processes- Updated plugins to latest versions
PLUGIN UPDATES- Updated Bootstrap Markdown plugin to version 2.7.0- Updated Chartjs plugin to version 1.0.1-beta.4- Updated Chosen plugin to version 1.2- Updated Bootstrap Date Range Picker plugin to version 1.3.13- Updated FullCalendar plugin to version 2.1.1- Updated ion range slider to version 1.9.3- Updated isotope to version 2.0.1- Updated jstree to version 3.0.6- Updated timepicker to version 1.4.13- Updated toastr to version 2.1.0- Updated gmaps to version 0.4.15- Updated Datatables to version 1.10.3
ADDED FEATURES- Added X-editable plugin- Added address.js plugin - Address editable input- Added Select2 plugin- Added Bootstrap Typeahead pluginFIXES- Fix fixed header and scroll layout
ADDED FEATURES- Added enjoyhint plugin- Added fastclick plugin- Added support for multi level menusPLUGINS UPDATED- FontAwesome to 4.2.0FIXES AND MISC- Fix scroll issue after menu collapse- Fix calendar buttons active state- Removed modernizr mobile tests- Removed hero text parallax scrolling on mobile (Frontend)- Minor HTML and CSS tweaks
FIXES- Issue with off screen sidebar not being shown on IE and Android- Scrollbar resizing in off screen sidebar- Code clean upMINOR TWEAKS- Close off screen menu on anchor click
- Initial Release