Valentino is 100% Responsive Opencart theme e-commerce theme created to suit all customers needs and all types of products. Also we challenge with this theme as it will satisfy all your needs. Created by latest techniques of Html5 / CSS3, Bootstrap Framework, ,well commented and organized codes with powerful theme options to change every thing on theme.
With Valentino extensive theme options you can change every small element in the theme with your preferred colors, you can choose unlimited google fonts for any part in the theme also you can add top advertisment as a new position adv and unique feature, please take a round through our theme to see its all features.
Valentino is a clean, flexible opencart theme, built on Bootstrap Framework one of the best frameworks ever. Valentino comes with many options to can manage every small detail inside it to create you own style.

Color Management System

Valentino Features
 | 100% RESPONSIVE THEMEValentino fit with any screen resolution and looks amazing in all devices with all its features. |
 | BOOTSTRAP FRAMEWORKCreated by one of the most advanced and amazing framework techniques to avoid any disalignment or non responsive. |
 | 5 Headers added and you can choose any from theme options to suit with the major taste of customers and clients |
 | UNLIMITED COLORS, BACKGROUNDS, PATTERNSHard work to give you full customization process, you can change almost every thing on the theme to get your best look |
 | TOP ADV POSITIONWe added custom module on the top of your store, fixed in all your pages so you can add banner with custom height and colors or background or patterns to make an obvios point for your customers |
 | NEW POSITIONS READYWe added a lot of new and custom positions to get more unique layouts you will see : - Full width position (New)
- Content Top
- Content Middle 2/3 (New)
- Content Middle 1/3 (New)
- Content Bottom
- Content Bottom 2 (New)
- Column Left
- Column Right
 | You can create unlimited categories with unlimited subcategories with descriptions and custom html sections and live menu just try it to see how it’s amazing feature |
 | PAV BLOGCreate unlimited blog categories with latest news, latest comments and featured blogs modules integrated |
 | AUTO-FILL SEARCH BOXAuto fill search after first 2 letters to help your clients find their products fast and easily |
 | CAMERA SLIDESHOWAdded to give you more catchy eye banners or images so now you can add big wide images with best look |
 | NIVO SLIDERThe default responsive Nivo slider integrated inside valentino |
 | Modules Slider / GridAll modules can be displayed in Grid or Slider view just choose from them options module |
 | SALE RATIOAuto determined sale ratio when adding any special price with editable text on left top images |
 | NEWSLETTER MODULENewsletter module added for your customers to make more contact with them with managed list for subscribers and view/hide for unsubscribe button |
 | Unique and new feature to add custom fields to your products and you can manage every label separately from each others |
 | LATEST PRODUCT BY CATEGORY & SUBCATEGORYNow you can display your products inside each category and its sub-categories |
 | UNLIMITED LANGUAGES (LTR / RTL)Valentino supports unlimited languages just upload your folder language,, Arabic Ready |
 | SHOP BY BRANDS  We changed the default carousel effect to responsive smart shop by brands section with box heading link to manufacturer page |
 | 4 Custom footer blocks with title, description and uploading images |
 | ABOUT US MODULEAdding About Us module with image, title, description and link if found |
 | FLICKR STREAMAdding your flickr profile images directly to your store |
 | Add your latest tweets inside your footer |
 | Adding your contact us information with custom fields and custom uploading images |
 | PAYMENT ICONSUpload your payment icons that you chosen, add names and links to it |
 | SOCIAL ICONSMost major social icons integrated |
 | UNLIMITED GOOGLE FONTS  With our smart fonts integrated system you can add any fonts from google to your store also adding more than one type for many elements |
 | 1,2,3 COLUMNS LAYOUTSmart layout system to display 1 or 2 or 3 columns layouts for each page and under Bootstrap system framework |
 | CATCHY EYE CATEGORY BANNERSCategories banners created to catch eye, it changed to 100% width |
 | GRID / LIST CATEGORY PAGEYou can display your category products in grid or list view with description for each product |
 | CLOUD ZOOMMore focusing on your products by cloud zoom |
 | ACCORDION CATEGORYAccordion category instead of the default opencart category module |
 | Now you can add mega menu in columns and activate all its features |
 | UNLIMITED PRODUCT TABSUnlimited product tabs inside product description with html content so you can add rich content inside your tab for each product |
 | GOOGLE MAPSGoogle map integrated inside contact us page |
 | Well commented and organized codes for all theme templates and files |
 | HTML5 / CSS3We are using the latest techniques to provide more professional theme |
Valentino Theme Features
- 5 Different headers – choose from admin panel
- Custom very top ADV position(above header with height control)
- Autofill search
- Latest products by category module with sub-categories choosing
- Blog manager ready
- Responsive Nivo Slider
- Responsive Camera Slider
- Show or Hide Default Opencart Menu
- All product modules with grid or slide display
- LTR & RTL positions (Unlimited languages)
- Custom Banner for each category and subcategory
- 1, 2 or 3 columns
- Mega menu
- Bootstrap framework
- 100% Responsive design
- Newsletter module
- Unlimited colors, fonts, backgrounds
- Custom HTML widget
- Social icons integrated.
- Custom payment icons with links and names
- Unlimited product tabs
- Swap products images
- New page positions for more unique designs
- Zoom for products images
- more and more and more …
Latest Updates
- Fixed – Camera slideshow error
- Added – 2 New skins (Motor – Kids Fashion)
- Improve – CSS Files
- Added – 2 New skins (Furniture – Elecrotnics)
- Improve – CSS Files
If you like our theme please don’t forget to rate it. 

Images used not included with downloaded files.

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