Sapphire - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

Sapphire - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

Sapphire is WordPress 4.5 Compatible!

Note for people upgrading from a previous version to WordPress 4.5

If you you are updating to WordPress 4.5 from an older version, please take a look at the changelog found lower down the page for instruction on what and how to update the theme and plugin. If you encounter any other problems or require assistance we encorage you to contact us through the item support page and we will sort them out asap :)

Sapphire – Responsive WordPress Theme

A modern design with clean lines and styling for a wide variety of content. Exactly how a business theme should be.


Whether you are viewing the website on a big or small screen, laptop, tablet or phone it will always look great. Just put your info and Sapphire will take care of the rest.


Sapphire offers a great visual experience on high density screens due to the retina ready custom icon font integration and heavy CSS3 usage.


The theme integrates Visual Composer for WordPress which is a drag and drop content builder that allows you to build any layout you can imagine – no programming knowledge required.


Visual composer is very flexible out of the box with 40+ predefined elements but we wanted to take it to the next level and added 20 custom elements of our own. The goal was to make good on our promise that no programming knowledge is required to work with this theme.


You can add content to the widgetable areas much easier using the 5 custom widgets that come with the theme: Flickr widget, Social media widget, Call to action widget, Latest post widget and Contact form 7 widget.


The theme has a selection of retina ready icons included in our content box elements giving you a wide variety of options to choose from.


Changing the color scheme is as simple as selecting some accent colors, the theme takes care of the rest.


The theme has a powerful theme options panel with a lot of options. It allows you to make the design boxed/ wide, change the background, change the typography, change the color scheme, make the header sticky, configure the footer to have between 1 to 4 widgetable areas and set different sizes to each of them.


Create an amazing parallax effect with this unique styling and show your clients what you are all about!


Sapphire supports the Contact Form 7 plugin that allows you to easily create advanced forms.


The theme integrates Revolution slider as well. This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.


Sapphire has a unique sidebar and page layout manager. Easily create and manage an unlimited number of sidebars and assign them on a per page basis.


Quickly install the theme through WordPress or FTP and then just import the demo content provided, add widgets and set up the menu and you are done. It doesn’t get much simpler then this!


Easily translate the theme using the Codestyling Localization plugin.


If you ever need to change / extend the design we provide 20 fully layered psd files that you can use for quick mock-ups. These are the same quality you would find in an item in the PSD section.


We wrote the documentation with beginner WordPress users in mind. It is written in a step by step format and takes you through setting the theme up and customizing it. It is divided into sections and sub-sections so power users can just skip to what they are interested in.


If you don’t find what you are looking for in the documentation of the items FAQ section then please contact us through the form on our user page. We would be happy to assist you. Expect a response in 24 to 48h.


All the experience and knowledge acquired while working towards reaching elite author status has been put in the template. Rest assured that you are receiving a top quality product and support for it!

What are you getting when you buy template?

WordPress Theme
and documentation
\\ \\

Client feedback:


Theme full feature list:

  • HTML5 + CSS3
  • Cross browser Support – Tested in IE9+, Firefox, Chroma, Opera, Safari, Android, Blackberry
  • Responsive layout – 12 column, 940px width grid system
  • W3C Valid source code, properly formatted and commented
  • Programmed with SEO needs in mind, the template uses semantic code
  • Load speed optimised, demo website scores A+ on the page speed grade scale.
  • Extensive documentation – written in a step by step style it take you through editing up the template, hosting it, page speed optimisation and search engine optimisation
  • Retina Ready graphics and icons – looks crisp on high pixel density devices
  • Supports Wordpress 3.x Menu System – Three level Dropdown Menu implemented
  • Responsive layout
  • Retina Ready
  • Drag and Drop page builder – visual Composer
  • 20 custom Visual Composer Elements
  • 5 custom widgets
  • 7 widgetable footer areas
  • unlimited sidebars. custom sidebar manager
  • 1 custom post types: portfolio
  • contact form 7 integration
  • revolution slider integration
  • sample data provided, set up the theme in minutes
  • extensive documentation
  • 24/7 support through the form on my user page
  • translation ready
  • easy to use theme options
  • intuitive color changer


*** Changelog ***= 1.0.11 - 25 Apr 2016 =*Fixes: Page header not working= 1.0.10 - 16 Apr 2016 =*Added: WordPress 4.5 Support    If you you are updating to WordPress 4.5 from an older version, what you need to do in order for the theme and     customized Visual Composer to work properly is:    0. redownload the theme from you Themeforest Account > Downloads section    1. update the theme to the newest version (1.0.10)    2. go in the WordPress Dashboard > Plugins section and delete your current version of the Visual Composer plugin        3. Once deleted, the theme will generate a prompt to install a new version of the plugin. follow the instructions and install it= 1.0.9 - 7 Oct 2015 =*Added:     Bundled Visual Composer 4.7.4 with the theme*Updated:     TGM Plugin Activation to 2.5.2 for WP 4.3 Compatibility*Update:    Updated Revolution Slider*Changed:      Dropped php 4 style constructor used for widgets for WP 4.3 compatibility*Fixes:        Various small fixes and improvements= 1.0.8 - 27 June 2015 =* Updated: Modified the Visual Composer Plugin version bundled to fix a XSS vulnerability found in the prettyPhoto plugin    You can update the plugin by disabling and deleting it in WP dashboard and installing the version found in     "Plugins\Visual Composer 4.2.3 modified for WordPress 4.2 + prettyPhoto XSS fix"    folder!!!= 1.0.7 - 29 Apr 2015 =* Updated: TGM Plugin to version 2.4.2 as older version where vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks* Changed: Modified the Visual Composer Plugin version bundled to make it compatible with WordPress 4.2.     If you are updating your WordPress install to 4.2 from a earlier version please also update the Visual Composer plugin     by replacing it with the version found in the "Plugins\Visual Composer 4.2.3 modified for WordPress 4.2"    folder!!!    If you need to use the theme with a WordPress version < 4.2 please do not let it install the plugin and manually install     the version found in the "Plugins\Visual Composer 4.2.3 standard" folder!!!    If you are doing a theme install on a fresh WordPress 4.2 you do not need to do anything.    In the modified plugin version the assets/js/params/all.js file was edited and        it was replaced ”#url-field” (line 1645 & 1654) with ”#wp-link-url”        it was replaced ”#link-title-field” (line 1646 & 1655) with ”#wp-link-text”        it was replaced ”#link-target-checkbox” (line 1648 & 1660) with ”#wp-link-target”= 1.0.6 - 27 Mar 2015 =* Changed: TGM Plugin Activation now allows you to disable and remove installed plugins. - /framework/plugins/plugins-required.php* Updated: Revolution Slider from v 4.6.0 to v 4.6.5* Fixed: Social media icons widget - /framework/widgets/widget-social-media.php* Changed: Removed animation option from composer elements.* Changed: Default blog sidebar is now sidebar-page on fresh WP install and no config= 1.0.5 - 17 Sept 2014 =* Changed: Updated Visual Composer to 4.2.3* Changed: Updated Revolution Slider to 4.6.0* Fixed: Flickr widget not working on Chrome* Added: No spacing support for VC Row* Fixed: page layout width when Visual Composer is not used= 1.0.4 - 14 July 2014 =* Changed: Visual composer iconbox component* Fixed:   Color scheme for mobile version= 1.0.3 - 7 July 2014 =* Changed: Logo getting cropped if bigger then a certain size. It will now accept any size logo* Fixed:   Page header not displaying special characters. You need to re introduce the old texts if you update!!* Fixed:   When making a row span full width in VisualComposer you couldn't change column format for rows nested in it= 1.0.2 - 25 June 2014 =* Fixed:      VC Portfolio strip error in showing latest projects* Changed: VC Portfolio strip behaviour. Now supports random projects.* Changed: VC Row behaviour. = 1.0.1 - 20 June 2014 =* Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused problems in child themes* Fixed: Fixed incomplete color scheme* Fixed: Fixed favicon selector not working properly= 1.0 - June 2014 =* Initial Release

Help requests / template support

If you need support, please send me an email using the contact form on my user page.

Please include the template name, website URL and detailed information about your problem.

I usually respond to support requests within 48 hours on weekdays. Support request sent during weekends/holidays will be processed on Monday/the next business day.

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