Future Architecture v2 – Responsive HTML Template
Attractive yet functional, Future Arhitecture is a well structured template intended for general business usage.
| RESPONSIVE DESIGNWhether you are viewing the website on a big or small screen, laptop, tablet or phone it will always look great. Just put your info and Future Architecture will take care of the rest. |
| RETINA READYFuture Architecture offers a great visual experience on high density screens due to the Font Awesome integration and heavy CSS3 usage for layout. |
| FILTRABLE PORTFOLIOPortfolio can be a definitory element in your website. FutureArchitecture allows your clients to visualize your entire work or a specific category. |
| PARALLAX EFFECTCreate an amazing parallax effect with this unique styling and show your clients what you are all about! |
| FONT AWESOME INTEGRATIONThe entire Font Awesome icon set (369 icons) is included in our content box elements giving you a wide variety of options to choose from. Font awesome icons are retina ready icons. |
| BONUS: 13 LAYERED PSD FILESCreating a quick mockup for a new page it’s easy due to the 13 PSDs included. Create pages, chose images, play with the fonts until you get the look you want. |
| REDESIGN 2014FutureArchitecture comes with 2 version: the initial release and the 2014 redesign. With more features, a cleaner style FutureArchitecture v2 has a modern feeling and is more powerful. |
| NEED HELP SETTING IT UP?The detailed documentation takes you step by step through setting up the template. |
| ELITE AUTHORAll the experience and knowledge acquired while working towards reaching elite author status has been put in the template. Rest assured that you are receiving a top quality product! |
What are you getting when you buy template?
HTML5 Template | + |
Template full feature list
- HTML5 + CSS3
- Cross browser Support – Tested in IE9+, Firefox, Chroma, Opera, Safari, Android, Blackberry
- Responsive layout – 12 column, 1170px width grid system
- W3C Valid source code, properly formatted and commented
- Programmed with SEO needs in mind, the template uses semantic code
- Load speed optimised, demo website scores A+ on the page speed grade scale.
- Extensive documentation – written in a step by step style it take you through editing up the template, hosting it, page speed optimisation and search engine optimisation
- Retina Ready graphics and icons – looks crisp on high pixel density devices
- Isotope Portfolio Filter included, 25$ added value
- 13 Layered PSD source files included
- Working contact form with validation – just change email address and you are done
- jQuery powered
- 3 Homepages
- Google Fonts
- 13 page templates:
- Homepage v1
- Homepage v2
- Homepage v3
- About Us
- Services v1
- Services v2
- Services v3
- Single service
- Portfolio
- Single Portfolio Item Page
- Blog
- Single Blog Post
- Contact Page
- 20 Custom Elements included
- Bx Slider – NEW
- Full screen Parallax sections – NEW
- Info graphics: Counters, Milestones, Pie Charts and Progress Bars – NEW
- Icon boxes – NEW
- Pricing tables – NEW
- Responsive Lightbox
- 3 level dropdown menu
- FontAwesome Iconic Font
- Accordions and tabs
- Alert boxes