Mazaya is a powerful responsive and multipurpose Joomla templates for your news or magazine, blog website, it is designed in a clean and minimalistic style and packed with all the features you need to present yourself with style and professionalism.
Mazaya is built on Warp framework, which gives the theme an immeasurable weight of flexibility and agility, fast loading – using built in compression of files, data URIs and gzip minification.With all the styling options provided you can easily customize the appearance of the theme and build you own custom skin.
Documentation , FAQ & Video Guides
WordPress Version Available Here.
multi purpose examples
Easy and user friendly admin panel allows you to do a lot of customizations without knowing any HTML or CSS. Colors, images, fonts, modules variation, backgrounds, blocks styles, gradiants… almost everything can be customized and configured via admin panel. Final website is in your hands.
Our New Joomla Template

Some important links
- joomla Featured Articles in a completely fluid layout
- RTL Support
- Full Width + no verticale menu
- Blog style (1 coulmns)
- K2 All Categories
- Post With Youtube Video
- Post With Vimeo Video
- Post With Slider
- Post with soundclouds
- Post With Remote Mp3 Sound
- Audios category
- videos category
- module-variations
- 70+ Module Positions
- Icons (Font Awesome)
- Joomla 2.5 & 3.1 Compatible.
- Joomla 2.5 & 3.1 Quickstart Package Available.
- HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design.
- Fully compatible for all major browsers.
- Responsive theme, optimized for touch devices
- Warp Speed, Engage! Combine, minify, cache and compress CSS and JavaScripts on the fly. Reduce HTTP requests with Data URIs.
- The two available sidebars, can be switched to the left or right side and their widths can easily be set in the theme administration.
- The module positions allow to choose a module layout which defines the module alignment and proportions: equal, double or stack. You can easily add your own module layouts. Sidebar Layouts
- Vertical menu and Top Menu.
- Accordion Menu.
- Ajax Search.
- 70+ Module Positions
- 2 different page layouts, boxed or full width.
- Unlimited Backgrounds for boxed mode.
- Grid System.
- Create custom theme styles: Styles are child themes which inherit or override resources from the default theme
- 5 Preset with Unlimited Color variation. you can make your own color style theme from admin panel.
- Unlimited Accent Color Options
- Easy Customization.
- Custom CSS and Javascript.
- Google Analytic Integration.
- Lots of Short code and awesome typography style included for easy content management.
- Breadcrumbs support included.
- All Warp framework features are available.
- Very detailed documentation in both Well Documented and video tutorials helps you to easily customize and configure template.
- Superb customer support, always on hand to help out.
General Features
How to update
To update Mazaya theme do the following steps:- First of all make a backup of all theme files, so you can recover it and redo all changes at any time.
- Download the latest theme version and extract the package to your Desktop.
- Copy all files to /templates/fw_mazaya and replace all files.
- Redo your changes by merging your customized files with the new ones.
Only this, If you have any problem in the update Contact us to help you
Update Log
12 August 2014 - v 1.6.1 ========================================Update --- Joomla! 3 from 3.1.5 to Latest version 3.3.3. Update --- Joomla! 2.5 from 2.5.14 to Latest version 2.5.24. Update --- K2 Extension to Latest version 2.6.8. Update --- Roksprotcket to Latest version 2.1.2.
27 August 13 - v 1.6 ========================================Added --- More social icons (Flickr, Dribbble, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, Soundcloud).Added --- Option to show/hide social icons. Added --- Option to show/hide Top Menu in mobile display. Added --- Option to disable/enabled fixed topmenu position.Fixed --- Vertical menu issue.Fixed --- Issue in K2 Blog mode. Fixed --- Issue in registration form Page in joomla 3. Fixed --- Conflit issue with Flexslider 2. Fixed --- Issue with authorship markup. Fixed --- And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Improved --- Headlines RokSprocket Module styling. Improved --- Default joomla article Display. Improved --- Responsive images inside K2 Items. Update --- Joomla! 3 from 3.1.1 to Latest version 3.1.5. Update --- Joomla! 2.5 from 2.5.11 to Latest version 3.5.14. Update --- Font Awesome to Latest version 3.2. Update --- K2 Extension to Latest version 2.6.7. Update --- Roksprotcket to Latest version 2.0.2.
24 Jun 2013 - v 1.5.1 ========================================Added --- style control of block Top-b in admin panel.fixed --- some small admin panel issues.Update --- RokPad to 2.1.5.Update --- RokBox to 2.0.4.Update --- RokSprocket to 1.8.15.Update --- warp framworks to 6.4.2.
04 Jun 2013 - v 1.5 ========================================Added --- RTL Support.Added --- Arabic RTL quickstart version to download files.Added --- Support for the following languages: Arabic, Danish, German, Spanish, French,Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish.fixed --- tags in joomla (3.1.1+) are not visible in articles.fixed --- small css bug with full article image.fixed --- error in weblink category after login in joomla 3.1.
27 May 2013 - v 1.0 ======================================--- Initial Release
don’t forget if you like it, rate it. 
- Font Awesome -- The iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap
- Maven Pro -- Fontsquirrel
- Kreon -- Google Web Fonts
- Droid Sans -- Google Web Fonts
- Open Sans -- Google Web Fonts
- Yanone Kaffeesatz -- Google Web Fonts
Thanks so much to:
Photos used in the demo site from:
Kalexanderson , Eduardo Amorim, paul bica, Trey Ratcliff, Trey Ratcliff, Bradford Speers, slagheap, RAUL BROCKMANN, Iomega , Merzak Bouki, Meg Puente, Ryusha, Pieric Dupaquier, Cdevers, David, Hendrikmorkel, South dock, ericflexyourhead, agfreiburg, special-fx, syriafreedom, agfreiburg, clanlife, jeffanddayna, timsamoff, soelin, stuckincustoms, tim, kenjonbro, phalinn, christophe, embarqbrasil, epsos, carmichaellibrary, Andrew, corgan, thevortext, su-lin, genbug, Edo