Crown - Premium Responsive Admin Theme

Crown - Premium Responsive Admin Theme


Version 1.1 is ready. Was added select dropdown with search and usual validation, fixed minor bugs. All changes you’ll find in documentation.


Crown admin theme – a new premium admin panel template with lots of integrated features, plugins and custom elements. It could be useful for any type of web application, custom administration panels, any backend system etc. With integrated charts and statistics stuff, Crown will be very useful for developers who build their own graphs and charts, the design is ready to go! Template has a full set of form and interface elements, wizards, tables, custom widgets and other stuff. Crown theme is ready for mobile devices and tablets. Just a small note – there was a solution for responsive layout for tables with horizontal scrollbar and fixed headers, but Android OS doesn’t support scroll inside blocks, so tables were based on usual percentage layout. Also there are 2 types of user panel: top navigation with fixed position and sidebar info block with dropdown menu, so now you have a choice for displaying that menu. Below you’ll find a full list of features, but i’d suggest to test it online.

Please, if you found any bugs, strange look or have any suggestions – don’t hesitate to let me know, i will do my best to fix those issues as soon as possible. Usual support available: Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 20:00 CET


Some features

Sidebar navigation dropdowns

Crown has a dropdown menu on the sidebar. Allows you to open as much items as you want and all of them will be always visible.

Custom sidebar widgets

9 custom widgets were designed and coded for this theme, including an additional user navigation. So it’s up to you to decide what kind of user navigation you want to use – top fixed bar or as a sidebar widget.

General dropdowns

There are 4+ dropdown styles in general – top fixed bar, sidebar, middle navigation, statistics


Breadcrumbs with dropdown menu

Custom widgets

10+ custom widgets and general interface elements


Nice looking tables: static, tabbed, dynamic, media, sortable and resizable

Animated progress bars with tooltips

Nice looking animated progress bars with tooltip. Were made in 3 colors: green, blue, orange

Unique statictics blocks with dropdowns

Unique statistics look with useful dropdown menu

Full features list

  • Liquid 2 columns layout
  • Integrated Flot charts
    • Lines
    • Bars (vertical and horizontal with tooltips)
    • Pies
    • Auto updating chart
  • Form elements:
    • Default text input fields with placeholder, on hover tooltip, read only, disabled, with maximum length, with note, with icons, grid and predefined value etc.
    • Textarea with fixed height, characters counter and autogrowing feature
    • Tags input
    • Masked input feature
    • Dropdown and select lists
    • Spinner with mousewheel support: simple number input, decimal, currency, inline data, inline data with links
    • Styled checkboxes and radio buttons
    • File uploader with auto select of HTML version, which your current browser supports (HTML4/HTML5). For HTML5 version there is a drag-n-drop function, progress bar, file size and multi select, for HTML4 – it’s a usual single file uploader with status bar.
    • Styled single file uploader
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Integrated validation engine and separated validation for wizards
    • Multi selects with filtering and drodown
  • Interface elements:
    • 3 types of statistics row:
      • Big buttons with color icons
      • Small inline buttons
      • Statistics with dropdown, tooltip, progress bar and bar charts
    • 4 notification blocks, with “hide and slide” effect
    • Usual date picker
    • Inline date picker
    • Color picker
    • Inline color picker
    • Animated progress bars with tooltip in 3 colors for content part and sidebar
    • 13 types of AJAX loaders
    • Progress bars: usual one, with percentages and timer, with percentages and timer + delay on start
    • 10 button colors: grey, red, blue, green, greyish, orange, light red, purple, light blue, black
    • Growl notification: sticky, basic, with header, long live message
    • 2 types of tabs: as a widget or full width area
    • Breadcrumbs with dropdowns
    • jQuery UI dialog
    • Custom pagination
    • 4 tooltip directions: south, north, west, east
    • 2 buttons sizes.
    • Ability to use large buttons as a widget
    • 5 colors numbers data buttons for use in headers
    • Styled jQuery UI sliders
    • Fixed top navigation with dropdowns
    • Middle navigation buttons with dropdowns
    • Integrated Autocomplete feature
    • Content grid
    • Integrated source code viewer
    • Custom media table
  • Image gallery
  • 4 unordered list icons with 4 colors for each icon
  • Tables – dynamic, static, inside tabs, with custom pagination, with sortable columns, with resizable columns, combined.
  • Calendar with schedule
  • 16 custom content widgets
  • 9 custom sidebar widgets
  • File manager
  • 237 color icons in 2 sizes
  • 300 usual icons in 2 colors
  • 6 custom error pages
  • 3 types of wizards – with ajax submit, with validation, with usual submit


Version 1.0 released

Version 1.1 released

  • Added select dropdown menu with search. Based on Chosen plugin
  • Added basic validation for input fields
  • Fixed left margin in quarter grid
  • Fixed z-index for validation bubbles

Version 1.2 released

  • Replaced sprite image background with css3 gradients for buttons
  • Fixed timepicker input field bug
  • Fixed .formRight width, added box sizing instead of right margin
  • Fixed viewport issuein html pages

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