Clean, contemporary portfolio template ready and waiting for your art work, designs, illustrations or photos! This template features four complete, different pages! Every page is W3C compliant which means that it works across all browsers and both XHTML and CSS validate 100%!
Here’s what you get:
- Home page
- About page
- Portfolio page
- Contact Us page
- All editable graphics in Fireworks PNG format AND Photoshop PSD format
- Excellent documentation in PDF format
- W3C compliant CSS AND XHTML
I have also provided the header graphics, photo holders and headline text used on the homepage in both Adobe Fireworks PNG format and Adobe Photoshop PSD format so it is very easy for you to customize the header / Web site name / logo etc…! This template also utilizes a brilliant way to use transparent images that works across all Web browsers, including Internet Explorer 6!
Please note, the only thing this file does not include is a functional Web form. The form on the Contact page is positioned and styled as per the screenshots, you just need to add your own server technology. Quick and easy if you know what you are doing. 
GraphicRiver Highlights

AudioJungle Highlights

Marketplace Projects That Use My Music
Marketplace authors are very welcome to use my watermarked previews in their project previews free of charge! Many VideoHive authors have already used my music to embellish their projects and you can too! Simply download the audio preview directly from the audio player, use it in your preview, and then credit me with a link back to my item page inside your item description. Here are some of the projects that have used my music so far!

Portfolio Highlights